Friday, November 21, 2008

Friday, November 21st

Today was brown day! Everyone was wearing brown today. After our opening exercises we looked at the brown poster. Then we went around the room and named all the brown that we were wearing. Then we took turns looking for brown objects in the room.

Then we worked on our brown bear hat craft. This was a gluing craft and everyone did a great job. They are getting better at waiting for instruction.

We matched foam letters to an ABC chart. Tyler was the fastest.

We played musical chairs to the Turkey Trot. Then we made another turkey craft.


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thursday, November 20th

We reviewed our numbers 1-7 and learned about the number 8. This was a tricky one to write, but everyone did there best trying.

We talked about Thanksgiving and what we are thankful for.
Cameron is thankful for his shoes.
Sydney is thankful for her cousins.
Renée is thankful for Heavenly Father.
Gavin is thankful for Jesus, Mom, Dad, his aunts, and uncles.
Tyler is thankful for the Batman castle that he is going to get for Christmas.

We also practiced saying thank you to each other and talked about things that we could say thank you for.

I told the story of Thanksgiving using the flannel board. Gavin added facts that he has learned in Kindergarten, like the Mayflower was a cargo ship and there were only two dogs on the ship.

We made a turkey for our craft. This was probably our most complicated craft. Cameron was really good at rolling the ends of his feathers. Sydney called hers a spider turkey because her feathers went the whole way around.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tuesday, November 18th

Today we reviewed lowercase letters a-i. We learned about the letter J and it’s sound. We also practiced writing it.

I made a boat in our classroom with masking tape and a swifer sail. While the children where all sitting in the boat we talked about the Mayflower and what it was like for children who were on it. We sang “The Tiny Mayflower.” Then we made our own miniature Mayflowers.

We made a turkey day placemat and napkin ring. All the children were creative with their placemat boarders. We all held onto a sheet and pretended that it was a sail. We moved it like a calm day and then like a stormy day.

While I was changing Carter, the children surprised me by straightening up the toyroom! Our last 15 minutes were spent outside.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thursday, November 13th

Since we are talking about harvest, we learned about animals that harvest. We talked about where they store their food and what they eat.
We also practiced counting cars. We practiced writing the number seven and everyone did a great job. Our craft was to make a basket of goodies. The children had to cut a leaf in half to make their corn stalk.
I traced each of their hands and then they made a turkey out of it. We sang “The Turkey Trot” which is very silly with fun movements. They wanted to sing it twice. The day ended with some outside time.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tuesday, November 11th

Today we learned about the letter I and it’s sound. We also reviewed all the letters we have learned so far (A-H). The kids also completed a writing worksheet on the letter I.

We started talking about Thanksgiving. I asked the kids what they do on Thanksgiving and these are their replies:
Tyler - “Eat squash.”
Gavin – “Eat chicken that has a stick on the bottom of it.”
Renée – “I don’t squish pumpkins.”
Sydney – “Passes out cards and go to other peoples houses to give them princess cards.”
Cameron – “Puts ears and mouth on a pumpkin.”

I think some of them are getting the holidays confused. As I was writing their responses, I realized that most of them don’t remember Thanksgiving from last year. We will keep working on it. I did tell them about the Pilgrims, Indians, all the food that they grew, and the feast that they had to celebrate.

We sang “Oats, Peas, Beans” and learned to clap and pat our legs to the rhythm. They then added feathers to their turkey on the worksheet “Turkey Feathers.”

They also made Fluffy Turkeys with napkins and a wooden stick. They turned out really cute.

After snack we sang “Over the River” and used baby food jars filled with buttons as shakers. They liked them so much we sang the song twice.

We then built log cabins out the popsicle sticks. They got to cut for the craft and everyone’s cutting skills have improved.

We finished the day by playing chair ball, which involved rolling a ball through the legs of a chair and yelling, “Chair Ball” when someone got it through.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thursday, November 6th

We learned about the number 6. We also reviewed the other numbers that we learned so far. We also practiced writing the number 6.

Today was Daniel Boone day. He birthday is on November 2nd, so we learned a little about him. We sang “Comin’ Round the Mountain” with actions. We also went on a pretend bear hunt since Daniel Boone was a hunter.

We made a Hooty Owl for our craft. Then we learned a version of square dancing since this is what pioneers did for fun. We mostly skipped around with a partner. We also make coonskin caps, just like Daniel Boone’s.