Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thursday, May 28th Our Last Day

The children completed a worksheet to review numbers 6-10.

Next they made an ice cream cone to review numbers 1 though 10.

Our craft was to make a Memorial Day Flag.

We sang “What Shall We Do? For singing time.

They made fans to keep them cool this summer.

We ended with musical chairs and hot potatoes.

Thanks for a great year!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tuesday, May 26th

The children completed a worksheet to review the numbers 1 though five.

During circle time we talked about the clothing that we wear in the summer.

For science we talked about wind and how it cools us. I waved a book in front of the kids and then used an electric fan to show the children how moving air feels. We also talked about things that make air move.

Our craft was to make a banana split.

We sang “Jump Josie” during singing time.

I gave the children situations and they had to tell me whether they would be hot or cold. Then you got to make up their own scenarios.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thursday, May 21st

Today we reviewed our letters with the Letter Factory video.

We also practiced counting to ten and writing the number ten.

Today was yellow day so everyone pointed out what they were wearing that was yellow. Next we talked about all the items that we could think of that were yellow.

Our craft was a yellow sun hat. They sure love making hats.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tuesday, May 19th

We celebrated Cameron’s birthday today. He got to wear a crown and got a birthday pencil!

We learned about the letter Z today. We sang the z sound song and practiced writing it.

During circle time we learned about minnows.

For our craft we made three little minnows. The children used liquid glue during this activity and did a great job.

Our last activity was to color and cut out the letter Z.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thursday, May 14th

We read a book about sharks during circle time.

Then I told the flannel board story, “Shelly the Shark.”

We made Shelly the Shark for our craft.

We did an activity page where the children got to color rainbow fish.

We played sharks and minnows as our game.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tuesday, May 12th

I read the children, “Humphrey The Lost Whale.”

Then we learned about the number 9. We practiced counting nice objects and writing nines.

We learned about dolphins during circle time and did a Dolphin book of fun. It consisted of a lot of worksheets for the children to complete. We pretended to be dolphins and swam around the toy room.

We sang A fishing we will go.


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Thursday, May7th

We learned about the letter Y with its sound. The children practiced writing it.

With Mother’s Day coming up on Sunday, we talked about Mothers and what they do for us. I wrote down their answers to the following questions:

What is your favorite thing to do with your mother?
Cameron – “play with her”
Renée – “watch videos”
Sydney – “when mom helps me swing”
Gavin – “helps me with homework”
Ava – “cook with her”
Tyler – “play with her”

Of all the things your mother does for you, what do you like the most?
Cameron – “sets up my bed”
Renée – “cleans the downstairs”
Sydney – “making my bed”
Gavin – “helps me with homework”
Ava – “makes me cookies”
Tyler – “plays with me”

What do you do for your mother?
Cameron – “help clean the dishes”
Renée – “I tell mom when Carter wakes up”
Sydney – “help mom do dishes”
Gavin – “helps vacuum”
Ava – “help get Nolan to bed”
Tyler – “make my bed”

What is your mother’s favorite thing to wear?
Cameron – “clothes”
Renée – “summer clothes”
Sydney – “her flower shirt”
Gavin – “a dress”
Ava – “a dress”
Tyler – “pajamas”

What color is your mother’s hair?
Cameron – “I don’t know”
Renée – “brown”
Sydney – “brown”
Gavin – “brown”
Ava – “red”
Tyler – “gray”

What color are your mother’s eyes?
Cameron – “I don’t know”
Renée – “blue”
Sydney – “blue”
Gavin – “blue”
Ava – “I don’t know”
Tyler – “brown”

Do you think your mother works hard?
They all said “yes”!

What could you do to help your mom?
Cameron – “bath time”
Renée – “help make valentines”
Sydney – “help mom chose which clothes to wear”
Gavin – “teach preschool”
Ava – “dishes”
Tyler – “clean the dishes”

We also made our mothers a Mother’s Day card and a Mother’s day gift.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tuesday, May 5th

During circle time we talked about whales. We talked about where they live, how big they are, how they are mammals, how they breathe, the kinds of whales, and how their blubber keeps them warm.

To show the children how a blowhole works, I partially filled a balloon with water. Then I told the children to pretend that the balloon was a whale. I swam the balloon around in the bathroom sink and when the balloon came to the surface I pushed the water out, making it look like a whale spouting.

We made some whale sounds and then made a killer whale for our craft.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Monday, May 4th

During circle time we talked about rectangles. We talked about how many sides a rectangle has, how many corners, and how big the sides are. We even made a human rectange.

We made rectangle towers as our craft.

I tested the children’s knowledge of letters with their names and sounds. I also tested numbers. If your child is struggling in this area, please purchase Leap Frog Letter Factory video. This will really help with capital letters and sounds.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tuesday, April 28th

During circle time we talked about why trees are so important. We also talked about Arbor Day. In Texas it is celebrated on the last Friday in April.

We did the finger play, “Two Tall Trees.”

I read the children the poem, “The Sugarplum Tree.”

Our craft was to make our own sugar plum tree.

Our game was called “Squirrel in a Tree.” It is like duck, duck, goose but the children are squirrels in trees (chairs.) One child walks around with a nut (eraser). When that child gives the nut to another child, the second child tries to catch them before the first child gets back to the tree.