Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tuesday, March 31st

Today we reviewed all of the letters. Each child was given a sheet with all the letters on it and foam letters. I said a letter sound and the children had to find the foam letter and put it on the sheet.

We talked about tulips during circle time. We learned about all the parts.

We make a tulip hat for our craft.

Our activity was to tiptoe through our pretend tulips.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Friday, March 27th

We reviewed the number six. We practiced counting to six and writing it.

We listened to a sound CD and guessed whether the sounds were from the city or a farm. Then we made sky scrapers out of mega blocks.

Our craft was to make springtime in Washington D.C. The children spent a lot of time coloring the Lincoln memorial. Some of them colored the monument in rainbow colors.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Welcome back to school after our long break. Today we learned about the letter U and practiced writing it.

During circle time we talked about how baby animals are born in the spring time. Then we looked at some flash cards that had items you would find on a farm. We talked about their names and the sounds that they make.

We sang, “My Little Pony.” RenĂ©e especially liked this one.

Our craft was a story board about planting strawberries.

The children pretended to be farm animals making the animals sound and trying to move like that animal. Then we listened to a CD of sounds and guessed what sound we were hearing.

We did a creative drama where the children pretended to be seed that grew into flowers. They liked it so much that they wanted to do it twice.

The children colored the letter U and cut it out for our final activity.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thursday, March 12th

Today is green day! During circle time each child pointed out what they had on that was green. Then we looked at our green poster and talked about green.

We made green clover cookies today. We took turns adding ingredients, cutting out the clovers, and adding the sprinkles. What fun!

We also made a St. Patrick’s Day card after was talked about what St. Patrick’s Day is.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tuesday, March 10th

Tyler was very excited that we learned about the letter T. The other children thought of a lot of works that start with T. Then we practiced writing it.

This week we are learning about our senses in the springtime. We talked about our five senses during circle time. Then we went outside and covered our eyes and listened for signs of spring.

We made Delightful Daffodils for our craft. Sorry that everyone has green hands.

I gave each child a pile of salt and a pile of sugar. Then they had to guess which was which. They figured out that tasting was the only way to tell the difference.

We sang, “In the Spring,” which was about our senses during the spring. The music was pretty twangy, so they “square danced” after we were done.

Our last activity was to color and cut out a #5. They are getting really creative with their coloring.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thursday, March 5th

Since it was March 5th we learned about the number 5. It really didn’t plan that out but it worked out nicely. We practiced writing it and everyone did a great job. I started stamping their papers when they finish and you wouldn’t believe how much this motivates them. It might be a good idea for home.

We made a jet for our craft. This was pretty involved. The children all cut out their own wings!

During circle time we sang, “What’s in the sky.” The children shook shakers while singing.

We made a “What’s in the Sky” book. The children colored each page and added the items that needed to be glued.