Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tuesday, April 28th

During circle time we talked about why trees are so important. We also talked about Arbor Day. In Texas it is celebrated on the last Friday in April.

We did the finger play, “Two Tall Trees.”

I read the children the poem, “The Sugarplum Tree.”

Our craft was to make our own sugar plum tree.

Our game was called “Squirrel in a Tree.” It is like duck, duck, goose but the children are squirrels in trees (chairs.) One child walks around with a nut (eraser). When that child gives the nut to another child, the second child tries to catch them before the first child gets back to the tree.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009

We reviewed the number 8. We practiced counting to eight and completed a practice worksheet.

Today is purple day. I showed the children how purple is made by mixing blue and red food coloring in a glass of water. We also pointed out the purple that the children where wearing.

I showed the children a picture of a purple cow. We talked about what would happen if there were purple cows. We would have purple cheese, milk, ect.

We then sang, “Once I Saw A Purple Cow,” while shaking maracas.

Our craft was to create a purple dragon. I teach the craft in two groups so it is easier to help them. Each group wanted to know if it was snot coming out of the dragon’s nose.

Our last activity was to make a purple chain. I drew lines on the paper and the children cut them out and glued the chain together. We used liquid glue to practice using the right amount.

Pictures will be added after my family leaves town.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tuesday, April 21st

The children listened to the flannel board story, “Darrell Dinosaur & His New Umbrella.”

During circle time we talked about rainbows. We talked about what makes a rainbow, clouds, rain, and sun. We also talked about what colors are in a rainbow.

We played a rainbow dice game. The children had to yell out what color the die landed on. The first child to do so got to roll the die next.

Next the children colored a rainbow coloring worksheet.

For our craft we made a rainbow mobile.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Today we learned about the letter X. We practiced writing it and sang the letter sound song.

We finished our craft from Tuesday. We made May flowers and we used liquid glue. This was a little trickier than glue sticks, but the children did really well.

We sang the Eentsy Weentsy Spider with the actions.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Thursday, April 14th

Today in preschool we reviewed our letters with a letter hunt. Then we put the letters in order and sang the sound song for each letter.

During circle time we talked about how great puddles are. We talked about the benefits of rain and what kind of clouds give us rain.

We died coffee filters for our craft that we will complete on Thursday.

We sang “Puddles Are Great” and pretended that our mats were puddles that we stomped in while singing.

Then we did puddle jumping as our game.

Our last activity was to cut out a W.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Today we learned about the letter W. We sang the W song with its sound. We named words that start with W and we practiced writing the W.

We made a bunny basket for our craft. We also did a worksheet where the children had to connect the dashes to draw a bunny. Then they colored the bunny. There were a lot of rainbow bunnies.

During circle time we talked about skunks and we made our own skunks.

We also talked about how skunks are nocturnal and we played a game where the children pretended to be skunks. When the light was on, they pretended to be asleep. When the light was off, they crawled around like skunks.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tuesday, April 7th

Today we reviewed number seven. We practiced counting and writing seven.

During circle time we discussed Ducks in the springtime. How they hatch from eggs, what they make their nests out of, how they sit on their eggs for 28 days, and so on.

We sang five little ducks during singing time and we made a duck for our craft.

I used the flannel board to tell the story, “Three Billy Goats Gruff.”

Then we said the rhyme, “Little Bird,” to help our color recognition.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thursday, April 2nd

Today we colored an April calendar and counted all the day.

We learned about the letter V and practiced writing it.

During circle time we talked about April fools day and the difference between fun tricks and mean tricks. I also told some silly jokes.

I read the silly book, “Sheep Blast Off!” by Nancy Shaw.

We created an April Fool’s Hat for our craft.

We sang “Long –Legged Sailor” for singing time and we made up a story to help our creative thinking.

Quote of the day:

“I am going to tell Jesus when we get to heaven.” – Sydney when telling Gavin about something he was doing wrong.