Friday, February 27, 2009

Friday, February 27th

Today we practiced counting to four and writing fours. I get my worksheets from If you live in the Keller School district, we use Denelian style writing.

We talked about Signs today. We looked at signs that would be in buildings and road signs. We also talked about their meaning.

For our craft we made a map with a lot of signs on it. After the children were finished with it, they used matchbox cars to drive through their towns.

We played a game called “Using Your Head.” I asked questions and the children had to shake their head yes or no with their answer. It was really tough not to talk.

We sand “Ten Little Raindrops.” We used our fingers as signs to show the number we were singing.

I gave the children each a paper with four shapes on it. They had to make signs out of them with their crayons. When they were finished, they cut them out and glued them on another piece of paper.

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